The phenomenological perspective, and particularly the humanistic perspectives, sees humankind as being intrinsically good and self-perfecting. People are seen as being drawn towards growth, health, self-sufficiency, and maturity. This is a very OPTIMISTIC perspective which focuses on people’s POTENTIAL. People are seen as growing and evolving naturally towards greater beauty and more completeness.
The major themes and underlying assumptions of this perspective are:
There is a ‘self’ which has beautiful and unique form.
It is changing and growing. Everyone’s self is unique.
Once we provide a nurturing outer and inner environment, growth towards our higher selves occurs naturally.
We have enormous potential, possibility, and choice.
Uniqueness of Individuals: we view the world from our own unique perspective and our subjective experience of reality is very important. Phenomenology means “the subjective experience of individuals”.
We can and must exercise our free will. Some people think that they don’t have the capacity or ability to make life HAPPEN for themselves. Or they believe that past problems are insurmountable. Or they spend so much time regretting the past that they are blinded to the possibilities of the here and now and the future. This perspective takes the view that this is due to people losing sight of the free will they possess and not recognizing their own potential for change and growth.
The major themes and underlying assumptions of this perspective are:
There is a ‘self’ which has beautiful and unique form.
It is changing and growing. Everyone’s self is unique.
Once we provide a nurturing outer and inner environment, growth towards our higher selves occurs naturally.
We have enormous potential, possibility, and choice.
Uniqueness of Individuals: we view the world from our own unique perspective and our subjective experience of reality is very important. Phenomenology means “the subjective experience of individuals”.
We can and must exercise our free will. Some people think that they don’t have the capacity or ability to make life HAPPEN for themselves. Or they believe that past problems are insurmountable. Or they spend so much time regretting the past that they are blinded to the possibilities of the here and now and the future. This perspective takes the view that this is due to people losing sight of the free will they possess and not recognizing their own potential for change and growth.
It's amazingly hard sometimes to see past everything that has happened in the past and look towards the future. It feels like my past controls me and dictates who I am today, almost like it has some sort of hold on me. I know that this is not true when you look at it logically but thats how it feels. I know that if I want to move forward in my life then I need to let go of the past and not let it dictate my life but that is easier said than done a lot of the time. I'm not as tied to my past as I was before and I am able to look to the future and see what lies ahead. It's not easy but it's getting easier.
"Introduction to Phenomenological Perspectives on Personality." 14 Oct 2003. 7 Apr 2008 http://wilderdom.com/personality/L10-0PhenomenologicalPerspectivesPersonality.html
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